רשומהאין מיליציות בלבנון

בתהליך הכתיבה של רשימה על המלחמה (צער ובושה), נתקלתי בטקסט המופלא הבא. זו היא הצהרתו של מנכ"ל משרד החוץ הלבנוני בתגובה להחלטת מועצת הביטחון 1559 משנת 2004.

לקרוא ולצחוק ולבכות.

MOHAMAD ISSA, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of Lebanon, said that there were no militias in Lebanon.  There was only the national Lebanese resistance, which appeared after the Israeli occupation and which would remain so long as Israel remained.  The resistance force existed alongside the Lebanese national forces.  Lebanon determined the presence and size of the force, depending on the country’s need.  The authority of Lebanon extended to all parts of Lebanon except those areas occupied by Israel.


He said that submitting the draft resolution confused two matters.  The first was the distinguished relations linking Lebanon and Syria, which achieved their joint interests, particularly the interests of Lebanon.  Friendly Syria had helped Lebanon to maintain stability and security within its borders.  It had warded off radicalism and violence, fed by the violence exercised by Israel against the Palestinians.  Secondly, the matter was purely internal, and related to the presidential elections to be held in Lebanon.  Syrian troops came to Lebanon in accordance with legitimate requests.  Their presence was guarded by an agreement concluded by two sovereign States.  Those troops had been redeployed several times.  They contributed to rebuffing the radical reactions emanating from repulsive Israeli actions.

Hence, saying that Syria supported radical movements in Lebanon was not true.  To the contrary, Syria supported the Lebanese national resistance, which desired to liberate the territories occupied by Israel.  The draft resolution was talking about supporting free and just elections in Lebanon.  He did not believe that that internal matter had ever been discussed in the Council relating to any MemberState.  It was an internal matter, he stressed.  The United Nations had not interfered in that matter with regard to any other State.  There was no justification for the draft resolution, which constituted an interference in the internal affairs of a MemberState.


In addition, it discussed bilateral relations between two friendly nations, neither of which had filed any complaint concerning those relations.  He called for the withdrawal of the draft resolution.

פורסם ב 19 ביולי 2006 11:38 במדור פוליטיקה תגובות נעולות

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